What a lovely surprise finding myself in an article in the August edition of the Glebe Report!
The article highlights the Great Glebe Garage Sale and an initiative that was a collaboration between Della Wilkinson and Kate Reekie from the GCA Environment Committee, GNAG and City staff at the Glebe Community Centre, with input from me on some of the charitable organizations where items can be donated (you can find the full article on page 13: https://www.glebereport.ca/…/Glebe-Report-August-19…
Below are some of the donation places mentioned:
Caldwell Family Centre: caldwellfamilycentre.ca
Charity Wish List charitywishlist.ca
CompuCorps: compucorps.org
Diabetes Canada diabetes.ca
Dress for Success: ottawa.dressforsuccess.org
Friends of the Ottawa Public Library Association: fopla-aabpo.ca
From House to Home: facebook.com/FromhousetohomeOttawa
Habitat for Humanity habitatgo.com/restore
Hakim Optical: hakimoptical.ca
Heartwood House: heartwoodhouse.ca
Helping with Furniture: hwfottawa.org
Highjinx: Neighbours Helping Neighbours twitter.com/highjinxottawa
OrKidstra: orkidstra.ca
Ottawa Outdoor Gear Library: ottawaoutdoorgearlibrary.com
Ottawa Tool Library: ottawatoollibrary.com
Resettlement Resource Service Volunteers 613-791-3877 (Paul)
Salvation Army: thriftstore.ca
Secondhand Stories: secondhandstories.ca
The Well: the-well.ca
Twice Upon a Time: twiceuponatime.ca