by Martha Tobin
As we move into the month of February, the winter weather and less daylight hours can begin to give you cabin fever. And of course, if you are also feeling weighed down and fenced in by your ‘stuff’, it can make you feel even more blue and overwhelmed.
Perhaps this is the year that you decide that your ‘stuff’ is no longer going to control your day-to-day enjoyment and your productivity.
Maybe this is the year you want to have friends over to your place again or maybe you just want to feel some calm when you enter your home so that you can truly recharge there.
With that in mind, here are 8 things you can start to declutter and get out of your home:
–Kitchen utensils you no longer use
–Clothing that is damaged, stained or no longer fits
–Tupperware that doesn’t match up
–Dead or sick plants
–Old magazines
–Broken footwear
–Toys your kids don’t play with
–Bags/boxes of donations you’ve been meaning to drop off
Need some assistance making decisions about items you are hanging onto? Declutter4Good can help.