CTV Morning Live appearance (Jan 2025): Decluttering to move

Martha Tobin

As seen on CTV Morning Live (Jan 28, 2025)

6 Benefits of decluttering to move: 

  • Selling a home is one of the biggest returns on investment 
  • Important to create a good first impression to potential buyers
  • Starting early gives you a headstart on moving and packing 
  • Decluttering creates more space in the home 
  • Decluttering neutralizes the home 
  • Decluttering makes for better listing photos and showings 

6 Effective Downsizing and Decluttering Tips

  1. Start early and schedule decluttering times 
  2. Consider the logistics of your new home 
  3. In current home, start with the least used room
  4. Keep only what you need, use, want and love for your new home
  5. Pack your ‘keep for new home items’ as you declutter  
  6. Set up a 7 ‘box system’ for sorting: 
  • Trash
  • Recycle
  • Shred
  • Donate – charities list at www.Declutter4Good.ca
  • Sell
  • ‘Maybe’ items
  • Items for later review  

What you are left with is your ‘keep for now’ items 

 5 Tips to Declutter any room:

Process to tackle any room 

  • Start with items on the floor 
  • Items on surfaces 
  • Closets/shelving 
  • Sort ‘like with like’ items 
  • Ensure any essential ‘keep for new home’ items are clearly labelled when packed 

 8 Questions to ask yourself as you are sorting

  1. Have you used this item in the past year?
  1. Would I buy this item again?
  1. Is this item worth the time, energy and money to move with it? 
  1. Where will this item live in your new home?
  1. Is this item worth repairing?
  1. Do I own something similar?
  1. Is this item worth the space it will be taking up?
  1. Could someone else use this item more than me? (Declutter4Good.ca/charities)

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